Your Miles goes a long way for our underprivileged and tribal children in India. Every mile of yours help them stay in school and continue learning. SIGN UP to make children smile!!

All You Do Is Walk/Run/Bike For Miles, And Some Where In India an Underprivileged High Schooler Can Attend His/Her Online Exams Without Stress.

Do you know thousands of Students in India are Out of School?

Here’s Why!

Since March 2020, all schools in India have been shut down in lieu of the Covid-19 pandemic scare. Thousands of students have been out of school, trying to make the best of the situation, e-learning as much as possible. A very large number of these are from tribal areas, with low to no network, no access to mobile devices, and no means to avail of these.

Miles 2 Smiles is a sporting initiative by Hi 5 Youth Foundation USA where Every Mile you Run, can help towards procuring learning devices for students of high schools and colleges in rural India, and send them Back 2 Learning.
What is Hi 5 Youth Foundation USA?

Hi 5 Youth Foundation USA is a professionally run Sports-NGO, working specifically in the area of promoting basketball amongst the underprivileged youth of India, right from the age of 10 years onwards. Hi 5 currently supports over 2100 children across 20 centers.

How can you help?

1. Sign up for Run/Walk/Bike event as per your choice

2. Pay a nominal Race fee $30

3. Additionally, you can also donate voluntarily for the cause

4. Share this message with your friends and encourage them to participate.

Every 4 Sign-Ups means 1 student gets a Learning Device.

Do participate whole-heartedly and help us send students Back 2 Learning.

Register Here NOW.

‘Quick Reference Guide about race and results upload’