“Children helping Children” is the mantra that drives all our efforts.

Hi5 USA has been granted a Public Charity status by the IRS in the U.S, and listed under Section 501(c)(3). Being “501(c)(3)” means that we have been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization and we now accept donations and funds in the U.S. 100% of your donations go toward the empowerment of young underprivileged children in India through our grass-roots level basketball program. EIN #82-2176193

Hi 5 Youth Foundation, USA – was established in July 2017, in California by Mr Ravi Padmanabhan and Ms Radhika Padmanabhan to support the work of Hi 5 Youth Foundation, India. Both Ravi and Radhika have been following Hi 5 India’s activities since late 2015. A visit to Hi 5 centers in Mumbai, enabled them to see first-hand the scale, potential and impact of the ‘free basketball program’ on the lives of the underprivileged children! The visit inspired them to set up Hi 5, USA to help scale and expand activities in India.

Hi 5 USA is a 100% volunteer run organization made up of people from all backgrounds and age categories – consisting of high school children and their parents, youth, basketball players and fans, young families and successful professionals – who love basketball, and truly believe in the helping underprivileged children.

What this entails is that local children with the support, guidance and mentorship of parents, teachers and senior professionals; take the lead and drive the events and activities of the organization. Through basketball and children – we aim to build a strong caring local community that has the ability to connect to children across the world.

Hi 5 Youth Foundation India

Hi 5 Youth Foundation [Hi 5] is a unique sports NGO providing FREE basketball coaching and life-skills training to underprivileged boys and girls across India.

Excellence in basketball is the core of what we stand for – and our programs are designed to coach underprivileged children who have never seen a basketball and develop them into skilled players and winning teams over 4 years of rigorous high quality training. Basketball provides these children – a passport and an alternate pathway to success in life.

With 3000 children at 29 centers (15 Municipal Schools, 7 Tribal Residential Schools, and 7 Residential Schools) – the program is among the world’s largest grassroots basketball program.